Friday, October 31, 2008
Vote However You Like...
These kids are beyond precious with their political song pushing bi-partisanship. I'm not going to comment further on who I think they would vote for should they be of voting age.
So exciting! Because I will be in Ohio (working for the campaign) on actual election day, I was able to vote early down at the DC office of Elections and Ethics (strange how those two go hand-in-hand)! It only took about 30 minutes, although there were not that many people there when I went (around noon) and I choose to go with the paper ballot, only because I am very wary of those scandalous electronic voting machines! GOBAMA!
True Blue California Love!
Paying tribute to my blue-state roots, I went to a see Slightly Stoopid at the 9:30 club last night. Stoopid, whose inspiration comes from bands such as Sublime, and 311 put on a super fun albeit slightly punky show. There was a good sized crowd and I was very nostalgic at the sight of the bassist's tanned, toned shoulders as he rocked out tres So-Cal style in a jersey and skate shoes. I'm much more into their perky-keyboard-backed songs, but watching the group of 15-year old boys moshing around in front of center stage to their "harder" songs was still pretty entertaining! I'd go see them live again in a heartbeat! And kudos to Anne Marie for coming with and willing to give these beachy beats a listen!
Thursday, October 30, 2008
I <3 a Good Conspiracy.

While flipping through the channels last night in search of some late night Law & Order to put me to sleep, I came across FOX news coverage of Gov. Palin out on the stump. Ordinarily, I wouldn't bother to watch, not wanting to subject myself to the memorized talking points, winks and snarky attempts at discrediting the Democratic party, but last night I had to pause. Once again, Sarah-I-shop-at-consignment-stores-Palin was trying to claim that Obama had ties to another "radical". Wait. Again? You would think that GOP would learn from their mistakes. Guess not. Since their initial claims that Obama and former activist William Ayers were back-slappin' pals didn't get much traction and was largely deemed a ludicrous accusation, Palin starting demanding that Obama admit he's actually a supporter of the PLO. What? Yea, I was confused too, evidently Obama taught at same university as Rashid Khalidi, a Palestinian scholar. I mean, come on guys, enough with the conspiracy theories. I'm Jewish, have family in Israel, and for some reason feel pretty confident that despite the McCain camp's attempts to undermine Obama, he's not going to be take office and suddenly bomb the shit out of Gaza. If anything, these bogus claims and rally cries only serve to show the how desperate the McCain/Palin campaign is getting as they continue to trail in the polls. Stop the finger pointing and stick to the issues! I mean if we're going to play the guilty-by-association game, holla at ya Charlie Keating!
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Gearing Up!

Yet another amazing Obama find! This one thanks to my buddy Jared, who cruised in schlepping this tote the other night. The "Obama Stand for Change" bag is a well spent $80 that goes directly to the campaign and gets you this amazing tote designed by Isaac Mizrahi. I think this bag totally screams, "I am cute, preppy and about to go for a yacht cruise on the bay; but I care enough about the world to vote Obama." Ah-some!
I think my dear friend Jared coined a new phrase last night during our post-drag-race impromptu picnic held in seriously sub-zero temperatures. As evidenced by this photo, we literally sat on Matt and Lizzie's front lawn for a solid 45 minutes shouting, cheering and chanting "Vote Obama!" at anyone and everyone who was meandering home from having witnessed the nearly 100 Drag Queens tear down 17th street during the High Heel Race. Amidst all our raucous shouting, Jaredo would intermittenly shriek "GAYBAMAAAAA"! Which, I will safely assume, simply acknowleges the fact that our fav candidate is indeed a supporter of gay rights, and is, in my humble opinion, perhaps the best candidate for those who identify with the LGBT community. I definately think that thanks to all our shouting and cheering, yes I even made up an Obama cheer using some old high school cheer skills, the we convinced a few on-the-fance voters! Note that all of us are clearly "O" ing for Obama! Bring it on!
My Newest Crush.

While I'd love to post a photo of soccer stud Zach Wells, I have to admit that watching the incredibly witty, well spoken, albeit older, Christopher Buckley on The Daily Show last Monday absolutely made my night. Buckley, son of notorious conservative William F. Buckley Jr., founder of the uber-conservative National Review, is as eloquent on television as he is in writing. Buckley, who is perhaps most well-known for penning such books as Thank you for Smoking, Little Green Men, and No Way to Treat a First Lady, was originally scheduled to appear on the Daily Show to push his latest work, Supreme Courtship however, Buckley's recent political endorsement (of Obama) opened the flood gates for Stewart to discuss much more than fiction. Buckley had been writing a back-page column for the Review when he not-so-subtly endorsed Obama via a blog posting for The Daily Beast. This incited such venomous objections from Review readers that when Buckley politely offered his resignation, Review not-so-politely accepted. As Buckley says "Be careful to whom you offer your resignation". Watch this clip to see the banter about books and politics (Stewart claims Buckley's only voting for Obama because "He's black") and you'll see why he just charmed the pants-off me! Watch it. I love it!
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Another Obama Favorite.

Like I've mentioned before, I initially ordered an Obama Tee from Unfortunately, when it arrived, it was way too big to wear with say, a cute pair of jeans. Delegating the Moveon shirt as my political-statement piece for the gym and/or bed, I headed to Urban Outfitters and found this number. I probably wear it far too much, but like my original Obama shirt, this one's also super soft and fits well. This one's a great find, but I have to urge you to try to find something from the campaign site first, I feel like a sell-out giving $40 to Urban instead of the DNC!
At Least We Agree on Issues...
So I'm no fan of Paris Hilton, but this time the faux-celeb kind of hit the nail on the head, while oddly. While her acting chops clearly leave (much) to be desired, I'm loving her latest viral video. Hell, she wants to ratify the Kyoto Protocol, let the gays marry, promotes clean energy and drives a hybrid; we could totally be BFF's.
Monday, October 27, 2008
Off to the (Drag) Races!

Every year DC has this amazing tradition of "Drag Racing", while this reference generally invokes thoughts of foreign-made vehicles careening down a deserted strip of far-flung country DC, Drag Racing's a whole new game!

The "races", an annual Tuesday-before-Halloween tradition, start at 9 pm, but the show begins around 7 pm, when the "racers" start prancing and preening up-and-down the ever-infamous 17th street wearing their lucite heels, huge hair and busts that would make Dolly Parton (and me) jealous!
A few of my favorite things...

It seems like lately everyone's been wearing their heart on their sleeves. I've even taken to sleeping in my Obama shirt, (if only because it's too big and American Apparel shirts are super comfy), but Tom's Shoes gives us yet another amazingly adorable way to proudly show-off our political persuasions.
*please do note that I used the bi-partisan "split decision" shoe as an example, however I personally ordered the "Democrat Vote" pair.
Senator Ted Stevens dining at Surfside in Glover Park, enjoying some quiet time away from his trial.
*According to AP, Stevens is charged with lying on Senate financial forms about $250,000 in home renovations and other gifts he received from an oil contractor.
UPDATE: A jury found the Alaskan (soon-to-be former) Senator guilty on all seven counts of fraud. Yikes!
*According to AP, Stevens is charged with lying on Senate financial forms about $250,000 in home renovations and other gifts he received from an oil contractor.
UPDATE: A jury found the Alaskan (soon-to-be former) Senator guilty on all seven counts of fraud. Yikes!
This Bud's for you!
You all remember the boys from those incredibly irritating "Wassup" Super Bowl commercials. I remember, mostly because they annoyed the hell outta me however, this clever little 2008 version pretty much sums it up.
Ohio bound!
I'm really excited to say that in 5 days I'm going to be heading to Ohio to campaign for the man himself, Barack!
I wanted to have a platform to share how things go out in Applachia with you all. So here goes!
I wanted to have a platform to share how things go out in Applachia with you all. So here goes!
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