While flipping through the channels last night in search of some late night Law & Order to put me to sleep, I came across FOX news coverage of Gov. Palin out on the stump. Ordinarily, I wouldn't bother to watch, not wanting to subject myself to the memorized talking points, winks and snarky attempts at discrediting the Democratic party, but last night I had to pause. Once again, Sarah-I-shop-at-consignment-stores-Palin was trying to claim that Obama had ties to another "radical". Wait. Again? You would think that GOP would learn from their mistakes. Guess not. Since their initial claims that Obama and former activist William Ayers were back-slappin' pals didn't get much traction and was largely deemed a ludicrous accusation, Palin starting demanding that Obama admit he's actually a supporter of the PLO. What? Yea, I was confused too, evidently Obama taught at same university as Rashid Khalidi, a Palestinian scholar. I mean, come on guys, enough with the conspiracy theories. I'm Jewish, have family in Israel, and for some reason feel pretty confident that despite the McCain camp's attempts to undermine Obama, he's not going to be take office and suddenly bomb the shit out of Gaza. If anything, these bogus claims and rally cries only serve to show the how desperate the McCain/Palin campaign is getting as they continue to trail in the polls. Stop the finger pointing and stick to the issues! I mean if we're going to play the guilty-by-association game, holla at ya Charlie Keating!
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