Friday, March 13, 2009

Mean Girls.

While I am still big no Meghan McCain fan, I can appreciate her foray into blogging, and I really did get a kick out of her blasting Ann Coulter, She does her research and speaks her mind, even if she's still a die-hard Republican, she's cool with me. Thus when I heard Laura Ingrahams snarky comments in response to McCain's interview with Rachael Maddow, I was pretty peeved. Conservative radio host Ingrahm didn't even address the real issues she has with McCain, rather she chose the tragically petty route of name calling. Not only name calling, but also the lowest form of female bitchiness...the weight slap. Yep, she went there. Laura Ingrahm, a seasoned conservative, resorted to calling the daughter of the former GOP presidential nominee fat.
“too plus sized to be a cast member on the television show The Real World
McCain's 140 character response via Twitter, telling gals to embrace their curves, and to not let anybody make them feel bad about their body was beautifully executed. Good move, lady.

Stay classy Laura, you really proved your point on that one.

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