Friday, April 24, 2009

Gavin Newsom for Governor?

I'm excited to see how things progress with the Gavin Newsom for Governor campaign, I love all he's done to push for gay rights, and clean-up the city of SF, but lately he's looking a little... off?Who knows, what's going on, but Newsom's looking a lot less like Bateman (Christian Bale) from American Psycho, and more and more like the sneaky (but kind hearted) butler from Mr. Deeds (John Turturro). I'm clearly all for a Democratic Governor, but this kind of freaked me out...


Jon said...

Don't know if you came up with the reference yourself, but well done.

Katy M. said...

All me! I was watching his campaign video and thought to myself...WOW, that looks familiar, how can this be?! He's totally Turturro.