Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Site of the Day

Why did we not come up with this sooner?

NYC and Me?

I'm heading to NYC this weekend and every time I spend a weekend there I wonder aloud why I've not made the move to the Big Apple, (the fact that I'd have to live in a shoebox and eat ramen) notwithstanding...anyways Time Out NYC basically just reinforced what I already know about my potential relationship with New York!

Only until you age out.
Sorry to say it, but you're a temporary New Yorker. Sure, this city is awesome for running around and enjoying your youth, but you came here to work and play hard and plan on jetting at the first signs of crow's feet or when your parents stop financing that party lifestyle of yours. Plus, if you ever decide to settle down and have kids, there's no way you're bringing them up in a studio.

Do you belong in New York City?