Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Cut Copy, lit my Heart on Fire!

Cut Copy could qualify as # 376 in the long list of "Stuff White People Like", but that's totally fine by me, especially given the energy of last night's show at the 930 Club! The lead singer of the Melbourne based band is a total cliche, but he's totally geek-chic as he flails around in too-tight-skinny jeans and a worn-out-tee, firing up the sold-out crowd by opening with their infectious hit "Hearts on Fire". They got fists pumping and the crowd jumping with their electro-beats; "Lights & Music" and "Feel the Love" and also sampled a new song (whose name I did not quite catch due to the hammered chick next to me dumping her beer down the front of my (skinny) jeans.) And as my friend Matt pointed out to me, "Out There on the Ice" definitely deserves a mention, that got people moving! Not the most amazing band to see live, and they played an exceptionally short set; leaving the stage after 45 mins, returning only to play a two-song encore. Weak. But I'd still recommend seeing them for a seriously fun night of tweaked-out-awkward-white-guy dancing! *Unfortunately they didn't allow camera's so I don't have any pictures of their stage set-up, but it featured really simple bars of retro neon lights, and did a dazzlingly good job of following the fast tempo of the show! Check out DCist for some great shots (and a glowing review)!

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