Sunday, April 19, 2009


The Flaming Lips delivered, despite the typical awkward crowd that I guess I've just come to expect when seeing a show in this town. Though they made use wait an extra 20 mins, (I thought for sure we'd be caught in a serious thunder storm), lead singer Wayme Coyne strutted out on stage in his white-leisure suit and proceeded to rollick and roll atop the crowd in his trademark bubble, shooting off streamers and confetti (I know seemed like a bit of an oxymoron to be doing at Earth Day) before launching into a few opening acoustic songs. I'll admit opening with some lesser known songs started the show off a touch slow, but Wayne took it up a notch with a rather unexpected cover of...oh yea...Madonna's "Borderline" that at least got me jumping around and singing along. Bring on a round of "Yoshimi" and "She Don't Use Jelly" and pretty much all of us were satisfied with having waited it out for a free show. I mean I wasn't expecting to be blown away, and I wasn't but it was fun, and Ellen and I got to bop around on a Sunday to some sweet tunes. Done and done.

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